radimel 2


Sunday 2 November 2014

Tutorial surfer Created topography map from JPG file (Membuat peta digital dari peta scan)

Creating map from JPG file  (Membuat peta digital dari peta JPG)
by auditor
11/2/14 8:24 PM

To make map from JPG file isn’t impossible but can’t be done instantly  its need patient and use more then one software. For this opportunely we will guide you to created digital map from image file / JPG file. First you need software to digitalize map as Surfer, we use Surfer 9. Surfer is one of software which offer special  feature to digitize map, digitize map is the way to located contour in picture/ image file and convert it to the coordinate X,Y Follow this step to make Map from JPG or image map:
1.      Open the JPG file, Cut the map to the nearest border using picture software as snagit, corel draw, etc then save as
2.      We need to created JPG/ image file that match with map scale

3.      Open autocad you can use autocad 2004 and the years after
4.      Created rectangle associated to JPG scale
5.      Point to insertraster image reference – choose JPG file – image – Ok – specific insert point write 0,0 – enter
6.       Drag image to fill the rectangle
7.      Save file in dxf format. Close Autocad
Now the image file ready to digitize, and we move to next step
8.      Open Surfer 9
9.      Point to MapNew - base Map this will show import box
10.  In the Import box, import the image file in point 7 - Open
11.  Now it will show your image file in surfer as a map 

1.      Click image map to active map
2.      On surfer click Map - Digitize – click on contour Map, this will open a new window

3.      We have to change digit. Bln to data file

7.      Save as that new windows in format Data File (.dat)

1.      Input elevation ( z coordinate ) base on contour elevation ( point 6 ) in new windows near Y coordinate
1.      Do it at whole point in the same contour line
2.      Next point to next contour line, do it as step 15-16
3.      After that Do it to all of contour line in that map
4.      Save the new window ( point 7 )
Now The JPG file was convert to coordinate file ( ASCII file ) but its not perfect yet, we need to combine with coordinate source in JPG file / image file
5.      After all the contour in image was digitize, open file (still in surfer point to Fileopen – open file on point 7 )
6.      File - Save as on the save as box change save as file to Microsoft excel file ( .xls )
7.      Open file ( point 21) in excel

8.      Open original image file look at the X,Y original coordinate if coordinat not in UTM please convert to UTM

1.      Convert the coordinate using the original coordinate ( make new formula in new column fill it with coordinate + original coordinate ) - save as .csv - close the file
2.      Open the .csv file
3.      Cut the X,Y coordinate Colum , leave the convert coordinate – save ( always make X, Y, Z column )

Now you have the ASCII file to make digital Map using Autocad or other tool/software. Please see our other post to see how to created Map using Autocad 
get the surfer at :

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